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Check LocalSettings.php to enable detailed debugging (In order to find the root cause of error displayed at Newsletter:Test Wiki Admin Newsletter
$wgShowExceptionDetails = true;
$wgShowSQLErrors = true;
$wgDebugDumpSql = true;
$wgDebugLogFile = "/path/to/debug.log
If all is true I don’t know.



Event Timeline

Harvici renamed this task from Newsletter:TestWiki Admin Newsletter to Extension:Newsletter.May 24 2024, 8:26 AM
Harvici updated the task description. (Show Details)
Harvici subscribed.

It seems like it may be related to @Harvici being renamed on wiki. Not quite sure how to fix this Somehow it is pulling the old username from somewhere, and then failing when when attempting to query the DB with it.

Hmm.. try the following
UPDATE newsletter
SET author = 'TheAstorPastor'
WHERE author = 'Harvici';

if this also doesn't work I would request another rename request

I recreated the old account, which fixed it. It still showed the old username and main page title, but upon editing that was fixed. Lesson learned, is remove as publisher/subscriber before renaming the account.