
OutputPage: Minor refactor to avoid calling deprecated function

This commit no longer exists in the repository. It may have been part of a branch which was deleted.


OutputPage: Minor refactor to avoid calling deprecated function

This allows the deprecated formatPermissionsErrorMessage function to
start emitting deprecation warnings and be removed one day.

Change-Id: Iea190deacdadb3e6b242042cfacbb406b8d92f9a


Bartosz DziewońskiAuthored on Jun 27 2024, 7:29 PM
KrinkleCommitted on Jul 5 2024, 1:06 AM

Event Timeline

Krinkle <krinkle@fastmail.com> committed rMW6d23dea9f023: OutputPage: Minor refactor to avoid calling deprecated function (authored by Bartosz Dziewoński <dziewonski@fastmail.fm>).Jul 5 2024, 1:06 AM

Commit No Longer Exists

This commit no longer exists in the repository.